1956 Dodge C3-B8 Front View
I’ve had a lot of hobbies over the last few decades, and it’s been said that my biggest hobby has been collecting hobbies. Well, that may be true, but today I’ve made the leap forward to yet another new hobby: Classic Car Restoration! Okay, perhaps Car isn’t right, as I’ve found the vehicle that interests me the most, and is available for a reasonable investment, is a 1956 Dodge C-3.
Hung and I took a motorcycle ride East looking at a few trucks, and ended in Hermiston Oregon where this beauty was waiting for the right person to come and save it. The truck doesn’t currently run, but did about four years ago. The body is a bit rough, but it comes with additional sheet metal for everything except the cab and the rear fenders.
Most importantly, all of the glass is in good condition! The truck features a wrap-around windshield and a wrap-around rear window. It is also the last year for any production vehicle that features a butterfly hood.
What really captured me is the view from the front. There is something about this era that I really love about the styling. Another similar vehicle to this would be the ’57 Chevy truck, which has a similar grill look and are much more common. So here I go, off to figure out how to restore a rolling but not driving truck! Lots of tools and books are in my future.